2018年1月30日 星期二

【電影】終極追殺令 Leon:The Professional

看到尚雷諾 (Jean Reno)、蓋瑞歐德曼(Gary Oldman),忍不住就停下來,又看了 1 次。
同樣 1 部電影,在家看和戲院看差別就在 專心度。
在家雖然專心度不夠,看到什麼是什麼,也是 1 種緣份或訊息傳遞。

【What's your name, Angel?】

這天印象最深的是 DEA agent Stansfield (Oldman 飾) 問想要暗殺他的小女孩 (Natalie Portman) 叫什麼名字 What's your name, Angel?



I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven.

Can you hear it? It's like when you put your head to the grass and you can hear the growin' and you can hear the insects.

You don't like Beethoven. You don't know what you're missing. Overtures like that get my... juices flowing. So powerful.

I looooove Mozart! But for this kind of work, he's a little bit light. So I tend to go for the heavier guys. Check out Brahms. He's good too.

【暴力美學】(take a look)

從時鐘的鏡頭開始,趁著配樂,1 個個人物接續出場,好似時裝秀在走台步!
最後,“主角” 現身,出奇的表情和肢體,並以貝多芬、莫札特、布拉姆斯的音樂風格來詮釋貫穿這場 “秀” 的內容,真的很精彩 — 只是殺人的畫面還是太可怕了🙈

【聽古典樂的邪惡探員 vs 吃素講原則的職業殺手】

相較於蓋瑞歐德曼的歇斯底里,細心呵護盆栽且講求 “no kids no women” 殺手原則的 Leon (尚雷諾 飾) 彷彿是吃素的道德者,這就是戲劇/劇本的張力吧。

【給他人 1 條生路也是給自己】

結局,如果 Gary Oldman 沒有聰明到發現到逮到 Jean Reno,而讓 Reno (幾乎就要)死裡逃生,那麼 Oldman 也許將可以繼續活著(為非作歹),不過這場 “追殺令” 也可能會沒完沒了。。。

“It's when you start to become really afraid of death that you learn to appreciate life... I take no pleasure in taking life if it's from a person who doesn't care about it.”

Well... 對於殺手 Leon 來說,對於死亡或許隨時都有準備也不害怕,只是當生命可能開始要有意義時卻為時已晚。。。剛好符合 Stansfield's pleasure of taking one's life ——————




Léon: You need some time to grow up a little.
Mathilda: I finished growing up, Léon. I just get older.
Léon: For me it's the opposite. I'm old enough. I need time to grow up.

Léon: [referring to his plant] It's my best friend. Always happy. No questions.


撇開深層的比喻或象徵,從這部片我學習到擦拭盆栽的葉子 :)

另外 1 個小插曲,這天看片子一時想不起 Gary Oldman 的名字,這種時候,我就會開此從英文字母 A B C... 開始默念,試著憶起,嘿!再次成功 ^^ 你也這麼做嗎 :p

最後,看到尚雷諾 & 盧貝松《Leon》,就會想到《The Big Blue 碧海藍天》
兩部都很美,不同的美,1 動 1 靜,後者會讓人陷入沉思。。。


