2009年12月3日 星期四

【Tennis London】ATP年終秀

Mon. 23 Nov. 2009
RR1 - Rafa v.s. Soderling
World Tour Final, 也就是往年在上海舉辦的Masters Cup, 今年移師倫敦。
今天是另一組的第一輪賽事, Rafa v. Sod 可說是重頭戲, 大家不免會聯想到今年法網發生的事。

當對戰表一出來, 我就想到了, 不過, 這裡不是巴黎, 而是倫敦。
基本上, 從賽前到進行中, 甚而賽後, 我都沒有那麼緊張或害怕 --- 多少有啦, 但沒有很大的影響, 因為 "平常心"?! 不盡然, 卻也不知為何如此, 有信心?! 也不是...

總之, 第一盤, 當Rafa第4局破回來, 那振奮之情, 好Man! (不同於私底下害羞靦腆的大男孩模樣) 好久沒看到這般士氣高昂的樣子!

於是, 我一直在幻想標題:殺很大!

這是一場充滿殺氣的對決! 尤其Sod給我的感覺是: 就算這次8師會戰全輸, 唯獨要贏Nadal, 因為與他有不共載天之厭惡。
結果, Sod在第二個賽末點時拿下勝利, 表情好兇悍可怕。上次法網交手, 我只是覺得Rafa好可憐, 被狂巴; 這次, Rafa打得OK, 只是未到百分百狀況內, 對手其實沒有很細膩(有失誤), 可惜Rafa沒把握住。

賽後, 約莫台灣時間晚上12點, CNN立刻現場連線, 第一手即刻報導, 很有臨場感!

【Rafa on Blog】

It hurts to lose ... I am sorry to all my fans in London (click)

...One more thing! Forgot to say that at least I got a prize today!!!... I got this trophy twice having only won it once! :-)

I'm still alive and looking to get back on track against Davydenko (click)


Q. I know it wasn’t a particularly happy experience, the match today. What do you think of the conditions in the stadium, the support of the British crowd?
RAFAEL Nadal: Very well, no? ... The conditions are good. Only the weather conditions can improve. Doesn’t affect on the game (smiling).

Q. Did you think about the match you played at Roland Garros at all today? Did that make you want to beat him any more?
RAFAEL Nadal: No. I said 100 times, I don’t believe on revenges, nothing of this...

Thu. 26 Nov. 2009
RR2 - Rafa v.s. Davydenko
今天凌晨4點45起床, 雖然有睏, 還睜得開眼睛, 倒是賽事內容讓人想閉眼, 除了不精彩之外, 也想說, 或許我不看就會贏; 當我看著時鐘時也閃過念頭, 估算著還能睡多久的回籠覺, 直到最後...
這時的我清醒了些也振作了些, 願意犧牲睡眠為了看第3盤, 可惜...
零星好球, 不足以逆轉, 最要命的還是沒能在關鍵分上撐過去。

結果, 我現在終於能理解也體會到今年AO決賽, Fed球迷看到Rafa倒地、躺下之後就立刻關電視的心情了。於是我, 立刻走人, 睡覺去... 不忍看Rafa的表情, 強顏歡笑, 強忍悲傷, 為了不讓人傷心和擔心, 自己要堅強說沒事。
信心和專注, 真的很重要, 然而, 知易行難啊, 道理都懂, 卻不一定百分百做得到, 不夠堅定霸氣...

想念08年漢堡站至09年法網前的Rafa, 就像想念以前那個每天看起來都很快樂的女孩...

【Rafa on blog】

Sorry if I've let you down, but I gave it my best shot (click)


Q. How far away do you think you are from your best, in your own opinion?
RAFAEL NADAL: 10 meters (laughter). (編註: 這個好笑!)
No, I don’t know.

Q. You lost all the sets that you played against the top eight players since Madrid this year.
THE MODERATOR: He beat Tsonga. (編註: 主持人真酷! 立刻糾正, 扳回一城, 讓人覺得Rafa不是一無是處, He beat Tsonga. 呼! )

Fri. 27 Nov. 2009
RR3 - Rafa v.s. Djokovic
雖然今晚無關乎晉級, 不過還是會因為有Rafa上場而讓今晚周末夜有紅利的愉悅感, 且要趕著回家就位。

然而, 今天兩人看起來都有些疲憊, Rafa是進場就覺得沒勁, Nole則是上場以來表情一直顯得疲憊, 像生病似的, Rafa一直來所說的卻乏信心和專注, 我能理解且有相似經驗, 至於Nole今天喪氣是因為尚未走出上一場敗給Sod的陰霾嗎? 總之, 今天開始不好看, 且Rafa讓人想到 "失望"的感覺, 多麼希望Rafa今天可以贏, 除了打破零勝盤的窘境外, 也是給自己建立信心, 不過, 看到第二盤Rafa傷停, 讓我忍不住狂哭, 雖然開賽後就有一種說不出的感覺, 讓人沒來由的心酸酸, 直到看到傷停治療, 想起自己年初澳網多幸運, 感傷與感動的淚水參雜地狂洩不止...

【Rafa on Blog】
London was great, but sadly not my tennis (click)

I am already heading today back home and I thought I needed to write this before I leave London...

I also take the opportunity to wish all already some great holidays (I won't have them) and a Merry Christmas and New Year. I know it is early but I won't have the chance to write here then... :-)

Q. Attacking from the baseline was your game. Very deep, in general, very powerful. Now sometimes they are saying you don’t seem that powerful anymore.
RAFAEL NADAL: Finish battery (smiling). I need to charge a lot.

Q. You need to recharge?
RAFAEL NADAL: (Nodding head.)

